Vor 20 Jahren am 15. April verstarb Ramones-Sänger Joey Ramone (Jeffrey Hyman) mit 49 Jahren an Blutkrebs. Auftritte seiner Band Mitte der 70er Jahre in Europa lösten in der alten Welt eine Welle von Band-Gründungen aus. Die Ramones hatten einen unverwechselbaren Stil, der nicht nur durch das unfassbare Tempo der Songs, sondern auch durch den eigentümlichen Gesang von Joey Ramone geprägt wurde. Er war ein Meister im Verschlucken ganzer Wörter, die dabei trotzdem immer noch eine Andeutung erfuhren. Der Sänger war mit einem sogenannten parasitären Zwilling geboren worden, der ihm aus dem Rücken wuchs und operativ entfernt werden musste. Ärztlichen Diagnosen zufolge, soll dieses Ereignis die Gesundheit des Sängers äußerst fragil gemacht haben, weshalb er sich zeitlebens häufig Infektionen zuzog. Während seiner Teenager-Jahre entwickelte er Zwangsstörungen und eine Schizophrenie. Er wurde 1974 Mitbegründer der Ramones, die einen kommerziellen Durchbruch nie schafften. Am erfolgreichsten wurde ihre fünfte Studioproduktion, END OF THE CENTURY (1980, USA #44, UK #14), die von Phil Spector betreut worden war. Bis heute gelten die Ramones als wichtigste Inspirationsquelle für die gesamte Punk-Bewegung. Ihr Einfluss auf die Entwicklung der populären Musik ist unermesslich.
Twenty years ago on April 15, Ramones singer Joey Ramone (Jeffrey Hyman) died of blood cancer at age 49. Ramones-Concerts in Europe in the mid-1970s triggered a wave of band formations on the old world. The Ramones had a distinctive style, characterized not only by the unbelievable speed of the songs, but also by the peculiar vocals of Joey Ramone. He was a master in swallowing whole words. The singer had been born with a so-called parasitic twin, which grew out of his back and had to be surgically removed. According to medical diagnoses, this destiny is said to have made the singer's health extremely fragile, which is why he frequently contracted infections throughout his life. During his teenage years he developed obsessive-compulsive disorder and schizophrenia. He became a co-founder of the Ramones in 1974, who never made a commercial breakthrough. Their fifth studio release, END OF THE CENTURY (1980, USA #44, UK #14), supervised by Phil Spector, was the most successful. To this day, the Ramones are considered the most important source of inspiration for the entire Punk movement. Their influence on the development of popular music is immeasurable.
Twenty years ago on April 15, Ramones singer Joey Ramone (Jeffrey Hyman) died of blood cancer at age 49. Ramones-Concerts in Europe in the mid-1970s triggered a wave of band formations on the old world. The Ramones had a distinctive style, characterized not only by the unbelievable speed of the songs, but also by the peculiar vocals of Joey Ramone. He was a master in swallowing whole words. The singer had been born with a so-called parasitic twin, which grew out of his back and had to be surgically removed. According to medical diagnoses, this destiny is said to have made the singer's health extremely fragile, which is why he frequently contracted infections throughout his life. During his teenage years he developed obsessive-compulsive disorder and schizophrenia. He became a co-founder of the Ramones in 1974, who never made a commercial breakthrough. Their fifth studio release, END OF THE CENTURY (1980, USA #44, UK #14), supervised by Phil Spector, was the most successful. To this day, the Ramones are considered the most important source of inspiration for the entire Punk movement. Their influence on the development of popular music is immeasurable.