“Rock Around The Clock“ ist seine Erkennungsmelodie und immer wieder der Hinweis darauf, wieviel Bill Haley für die Popularisierung des Rock‘n‘Roll getan hat. Am 9. Februar vor 40 Jahren starb der Sänger und Gitarrist mit 55 Jahren an einem Herzinfarkt. Haley ist eine der frühen tragischen Figuren des Show-Biz. Obwohl er mit genannter Single (USA #1, 1954) und weiteren Veröffentlichungen wie “See You Later, Alligator“ (USA #6, 1956) sehr erfolgreich war, wurde er nie ein echtes Teenager-Idol (Haley war damals schon um die 30, leicht übergewichtig, sehbehindert). Die Plattenfirmen suchten andere Gesichter, weshalb der Musiker für seinen Erfolg hart arbeitete und vor allem live spielte. Als Elvis in den USA auf der Bildfläche erschien, war Haley in seiner Heimat abgeschrieben. Dafür blieben ihm aber vor allem in Lateinamerika, Europa und Australien sehr große und treue Fan-Gemeinden erhalten. Im Gegenzug wurde Bill Haley medial als Rabauke abgestempelt, da seine Konzerte immer wieder von Ausschreitungen begleitet wurden. In den 60er Jahren tauchte Haley mit Comeback-Versuchen auf. Da sein Alkoholkonsum jedoch extrem zunahm, spielte er vor allem in den Siebzigern immer seltener live. 1980 wurde bekannt, dass er unter einem irreparablen Gehirntumor litt, bevor ein Jahr später starb.
"Rock Around The Clock" is his signature tune and always the reminder of how much Bill Haley did to popularize Rock'n'Roll. On February 9, 40 years ago, the singer and guitarist died of a heart attack at age 55. Haley is one of the early tragic figures of show biz. Although he was very successful with aforementioned single (USA #1, 1954) and other releases like "See You Later, Alligator" (USA #6, 1956), he never became a true teen idol (Haley was already around 30 at the time, slightly overweight, visually impaired). The record companies were looking for other faces, so the musician worked hard for his success, playing mainly live. When Elvis appeared on the scene in the USA, Haley was written off in his homeland. But he retained very large and loyal fan bases, especially in Latin America, Europe and Australia. On the other hand, Bill Haley was labeled a bully by the media, because his concerts were repeatedly accompanied by riots. In the 60s, Haley emerged with comeback attempts. However, as his alcohol consumption increased extremely, he played live more and more rarely, especially in the seventies. In 1980 it became known that he suffered from an irreparable brain tumor, before dying a year later.
"Rock Around The Clock" is his signature tune and always the reminder of how much Bill Haley did to popularize Rock'n'Roll. On February 9, 40 years ago, the singer and guitarist died of a heart attack at age 55. Haley is one of the early tragic figures of show biz. Although he was very successful with aforementioned single (USA #1, 1954) and other releases like "See You Later, Alligator" (USA #6, 1956), he never became a true teen idol (Haley was already around 30 at the time, slightly overweight, visually impaired). The record companies were looking for other faces, so the musician worked hard for his success, playing mainly live. When Elvis appeared on the scene in the USA, Haley was written off in his homeland. But he retained very large and loyal fan bases, especially in Latin America, Europe and Australia. On the other hand, Bill Haley was labeled a bully by the media, because his concerts were repeatedly accompanied by riots. In the 60s, Haley emerged with comeback attempts. However, as his alcohol consumption increased extremely, he played live more and more rarely, especially in the seventies. In 1980 it became known that he suffered from an irreparable brain tumor, before dying a year later.