Greg Elmore, Schlagzeuger bei Quicksilver Messenger Service, wird am 4. September 75 Jahre alt. Er war 1965 eines der Gründungsmitglieder und gehörte der Gruppe ununterbrochen bis zu ihrem ersten Split 1979 an. Später gab es verschiedene Konstellation aus Fragmenten der kalifornischen Rock-Band, in denen auch Greg Elmore immer mal wieder auftauchte. QMS entstammten der San-Francisco-Szene und waren für den Psychedelic und Acid Rock stilprägend.
Greg Elmore, drummer for Quicksilver Messenger Service, turns 75 on September 4. He was one of the founding members in 1965 and was with the group continuously until its first split in 1979. Later there were various constellations of fragments of the Californian Rock band, in which Greg Elmore also appeared from time to time. QMS came from the San Francisco scene and were influential in the style of Psychedelic and Acid rock.
Greg Elmore, drummer for Quicksilver Messenger Service, turns 75 on September 4. He was one of the founding members in 1965 and was with the group continuously until its first split in 1979. Later there were various constellations of fragments of the Californian Rock band, in which Greg Elmore also appeared from time to time. QMS came from the San Francisco scene and were influential in the style of Psychedelic and Acid rock.