Der Sänger der 1977 gegründeten Punk-Band Angelic Upstarts, Thomas Mensforth ist bereits am 10. Dezember mit 65 Jahren verstorben. Nach Informationen seiner Familie soll er an einer Covid-Infektion gelitten haben. Die Angelic Upstarts nahmen für sich bis zuletzt in Anspruch, Vertreter der Arbeiterklasse und antifaschistisch zu sein. Die aus South Shields stammende Oi!-Band wurde sowohl der nordenglischen Skinhead- als auch Punk-Szene zugerechnet. Mensforth war Gründungsmitglied und stieg nur kurz 2006 für ein Jahr aus. Die Band veröffentlichte zwölf Studioalben und rund zehn offizielle Live-Dokumente.
The singer of the Punk band Angelic Upstarts , founded in 1977, Thomas Mensforth has already died on December 10 at the age of 65. According to information from his family, he was suffering from a covid infection. The Angelic Upstarts claimed to be representatives of the working class and anti-fascist until the end. Hailing from South Shields, the Oi! band was considered part of both the northern English skinhead and punk scenes. Mensforth was a founding member and only briefly left for a year in 2006. The band released twelve studio albums and about ten official live documents.
The singer of the Punk band Angelic Upstarts , founded in 1977, Thomas Mensforth has already died on December 10 at the age of 65. According to information from his family, he was suffering from a covid infection. The Angelic Upstarts claimed to be representatives of the working class and anti-fascist until the end. Hailing from South Shields, the Oi! band was considered part of both the northern English skinhead and punk scenes. Mensforth was a founding member and only briefly left for a year in 2006. The band released twelve studio albums and about ten official live documents.