Joanne Catherall war ab 1980 eine der beiden Vokalistinnen bei der Synthie-Pop-Band Human League, die in diesem Genre stilprägend war und in den Achtzigern zu den wichtigsten Vertretern gehörte. Catherall und ihre Freundin Susan Ann Sulley waren afangs nur als Background-Sängerinnen und Tänzerinnen für eine Tour rekrutiert worden, übernahmen während der Shows aber bereits erste Solo-Vokal-Parts. Band-Chef Philip Oakey stellte das Duo danach fest an und der kommerzielle Erfolg begann. Das Album DARE erreichte nach Einsatz der Nummer-eins-Single "Don't You Want Me" (UK und USA) die Spitzenposition in den britischen Charts. Die Gruppe durchlief mehrere Popularitätsphasen und existiert bis heute. Joanne Catherall, die am 18. September 60 Jahre alt wird, ist immer noch dabei.
Joanne Catherall was one of the two vocalists in the Synth-Pop band Human League from 1980 onwards, which was influential in this genre and one of the most important representatives in the eighties. Catherall and her friend Susan Ann Sulley were initially only recruited as background singers and dancers for a tour, but during the shows they already took on their first solo vocal parts. Band leader Philip Oakey hired the duo permanently after that and commercial success began. The album DARE reached the top position in the British charts after the release of the number one single "Don't You Want Me" (UK and USA). The group went through several phases of popularity and still exists today. Joanne Catherall, who turns 60 on September 18, is still with the group.
Joanne Catherall was one of the two vocalists in the Synth-Pop band Human League from 1980 onwards, which was influential in this genre and one of the most important representatives in the eighties. Catherall and her friend Susan Ann Sulley were initially only recruited as background singers and dancers for a tour, but during the shows they already took on their first solo vocal parts. Band leader Philip Oakey hired the duo permanently after that and commercial success began. The album DARE reached the top position in the British charts after the release of the number one single "Don't You Want Me" (UK and USA). The group went through several phases of popularity and still exists today. Joanne Catherall, who turns 60 on September 18, is still with the group.