Die Sängerin und Keyboarderin Christine McVie ist am 30. November mit 79 Jahren verstorben. Die bezaubernde Künstlerin war neben Lindsey Buckingham der musikalische Motor der Gruppe Fleetwood Mac. Große Hits wie “Don’t Stop“, “Everywhere“ oder “Little Lies“ stammten aus ihrer Feder. Als Christine Perfect stieg sie 1967 bei Chicken Shack ein, verließ die Band allerdings 1969 wieder, nachdem sie den Fleetwood-Mac-Bassisten John McVie geheiratet hatte. Ein Jahr später wurde sie Mitglied von Fleetwood Mac, deren Stil sie sofort maßgeblich beeinflusste. Christine McVie veröffentlichte drei Soloalben (1970, 1984, 2004) und eines gemeinsam mit Buckingham (2017). JUB
Singer and keyboardist Christine McVie passed away on November 30 at the age of 79. The charming artist was, along with Lindsey Buckingham, the musical engine of the group Fleetwood Mac. She wrote hits like "Don't Stop," "Everywhere" or "Little Lies". As Christine Perfect, she joined Chicken Shack in 1967, but left the band in 1969 after marrying Fleetwood Mac bassist John McVie. A year later she became a member of Fleetwood Mac, whose style she immediately influenced significantly. Christine McVie released three solo albums (1970, 1984, 2004) and one together with Buckingham (2017). JUB
Singer and keyboardist Christine McVie passed away on November 30 at the age of 79. The charming artist was, along with Lindsey Buckingham, the musical engine of the group Fleetwood Mac. She wrote hits like "Don't Stop," "Everywhere" or "Little Lies". As Christine Perfect, she joined Chicken Shack in 1967, but left the band in 1969 after marrying Fleetwood Mac bassist John McVie. A year later she became a member of Fleetwood Mac, whose style she immediately influenced significantly. Christine McVie released three solo albums (1970, 1984, 2004) and one together with Buckingham (2017). JUB