Bow Wow Wow waren eine Kopfgeburt von Malcolm McLaren, der schon das Image der Sex Pistols geschärft hatte und als Manager das der späteren Adam & The Ants half, auf die Beine zu bringen. Die 1980 ins Leben gerufene Band bestand aus ehemaligen Ants-Mitgliedern plus der bei Gründung erst 13-jährigen Sängerin Annabella Lwin. Musikalisch kamen sie den Ants nahe, die afrikanischen Rhythmen waren allerdings noch dominanter, was Bow Wow Wow später den Ruf einer Weltmusik-Formation einbrachte. Die erste LP SEE JUNGLE! SEE JUNGLE! GO JOIN YOUR GANG YEAH, CITY ALL OVER! GO APE CRAZY! von 1981 zierte eine Cover-Foto, das einem Gemälde von Édouard Manet nachempfunden war und Annabella Lwin nackt zeigte. Der Skandal war perfekt, wurde McLaren doch sexuelle Ausbeutung von Minderjährigen vorgeworfen. Auch wenn das Original-Cover weiter Verwendung fand und sogar noch einmal auf der nachfolgenden EP THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS auftauchte, gab es noch 1981 zwei alternative Cover.
Bow Wow Wow was the brainchild of Malcolm McLaren, who had already sharpened the image of the Sex Pistols and, as manager, helped get that of the later Adam & The Ants off the ground. The band, formed in 1980, consisted of former Ants members plus singer Annabella Lwin, who was only 13 when the band was formed. Musically, they were close to the Ants, but the African rhythms were even more dominant, which later earned Bow Wow Wow the reputation of a World Music formation. The first LP SEE JUNGLE! SEE JUNGLE! GO JOIN YOUR GANG YEAH, CITY ALL OVER! GO APE CRAZY! in 1981 was adorned with a cover photo based on a painting by Édouard Manet, showing Annabella Lwin nude. The scandal was perfect, as McLaren was accused of sexual exploitation of minors. Even though the original cover continued to be used and even appeared once again on the subsequent EP THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS, there were still two alternative covers in 1981.
Bow Wow Wow was the brainchild of Malcolm McLaren, who had already sharpened the image of the Sex Pistols and, as manager, helped get that of the later Adam & The Ants off the ground. The band, formed in 1980, consisted of former Ants members plus singer Annabella Lwin, who was only 13 when the band was formed. Musically, they were close to the Ants, but the African rhythms were even more dominant, which later earned Bow Wow Wow the reputation of a World Music formation. The first LP SEE JUNGLE! SEE JUNGLE! GO JOIN YOUR GANG YEAH, CITY ALL OVER! GO APE CRAZY! in 1981 was adorned with a cover photo based on a painting by Édouard Manet, showing Annabella Lwin nude. The scandal was perfect, as McLaren was accused of sexual exploitation of minors. Even though the original cover continued to be used and even appeared once again on the subsequent EP THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS, there were still two alternative covers in 1981.