Mit Agitation Free gründete Lutz Graf-Ulbrich , bekannt als Lüül, in Berlin eine der interessantesten und außergewöhnlichsten Krautrock-Bands. Nach deren erster Auflösung 1974 war er Mitglied der Gruppe Ash Ra Tempel (zeitweilig auch Ashra). Mehrere Jahre lebte er mit der Avantgarde-Künstlerin Nico zusammen. Anfang der Achtziger startete er eine Solo-Karriere, in der er sich stilistisch sehr flexibel zeigte. 1995 wurde Lüül Mitglied der 17 Hippies. Dieser Gruppe gehört er bis heute an. Zwischendurch gab es auch immer mal wieder Aktivitäten mit Agitation Free. 2006 veröffentlichte er seine bewegende Biografie, in der er seine Drogensucht und das destruktive Zusammenleben mit Nico aufarbeitete. Lüül wird am 30. November 70 Jahre alt. JUB
With Agitation Free, Lutz Graf-Ulbrich , known as Lüül, founded one of the most interesting and unusual Krautrock bands in Berlin. After their first breakup in 1974, he was a member of the group Ash Ra Tempel (temporarily also Ashra). For several years he lived with the avant-garde artist Nico. At the beginning of the eighties he started a solo career, in which he was stylistically very flexible. In 1995 Lüül became a member of the 17 Hippies. He is still a member of this group today. In between there were also activities with Agitation Free from time to time. In 2006 he published his moving biography, in which he came to terms with his drug addiction and destructive cohabitation with Nico. Lüül will be 70 years old on November 30.
With Agitation Free, Lutz Graf-Ulbrich , known as Lüül, founded one of the most interesting and unusual Krautrock bands in Berlin. After their first breakup in 1974, he was a member of the group Ash Ra Tempel (temporarily also Ashra). For several years he lived with the avant-garde artist Nico. At the beginning of the eighties he started a solo career, in which he was stylistically very flexible. In 1995 Lüül became a member of the 17 Hippies. He is still a member of this group today. In between there were also activities with Agitation Free from time to time. In 2006 he published his moving biography, in which he came to terms with his drug addiction and destructive cohabitation with Nico. Lüül will be 70 years old on November 30.