Den Song “Fire“ kennt praktisch jeder. Sehr viele haben dazu auch Bilder von einem wild herumspringenden Typen im Kopf, der einen Helm trägt, auf dem Flammen züngeln. Der Typ hieß Arthur Brown und er wird am 24. Juni 80 Jahre alt. Das Album hingegen haben hingegen heute nicht mehr so viele auf dem Schirm. Als zeitgeistiges Psychedelic-Rock-Wunderwerk wurde es 1968 sehr gut verkauft. Nachwachsende Rock-Fan-Generationen beschäftigten sich schon nicht mehr damit. Aber es ist genau das, was “Fire“ verspricht. Es geht auf THE CRAZY WORLD OF ARTHUR BROWN zwar verrückt zu, Kit Lambert und Pete Townshend sorgten allerdings für eine hart rockende Produktion. Obendrein sind die Songs exzellent. Arthur Brown schrieb das meiste Material mit dem späteren Atomic-Rooster-Kopf, Vincent Crane, gemeinsam. Dazu gibt es noch irre Versionen von “I Put A Spell On You“ (Screamin‘ Jay Hawkins) und “I‘ve Got Money“ (James Brown). Arthur Brown konnte den Erfolg seines Debüts nicht wiederholen, veröffentlichte vor allem in den 2000ern wieder Alben und ist viel live unterwegs.
Practically everyone knows the song "Fire". A lot of people have images of a guy jumping around wildly, wearing a helmet with flames flickering on it. The guy's name was Arthur Brown and he'll be 80 years old on June 24. The album, on the other hand, is not so much on the radar anymore. It sold very well in 1968 as a trendy Psychedelic Rock wonder. Later generations of Rock fans didn't bother with it anymore. But it's exactly what "Fire" promises. It goes on THE CRAZY WORLD OF ARTHUR BROWN indeed crazy, Kit Lambert and Pete Townshend provided however for a hard rocking production. On top of that, the songs are excellent. Arthur Brown co-wrote most of the material with later Atomic Rooster head, Vincent Crane. There are also crazy versions of "I Put A Spell On You" (Screamin' Jay Hawkins) and "I've Got Money" (James Brown). Arthur Brown could not repeat the success of his debut, released albums again, especially in the 2000s, and is on the road till today.
Practically everyone knows the song "Fire". A lot of people have images of a guy jumping around wildly, wearing a helmet with flames flickering on it. The guy's name was Arthur Brown and he'll be 80 years old on June 24. The album, on the other hand, is not so much on the radar anymore. It sold very well in 1968 as a trendy Psychedelic Rock wonder. Later generations of Rock fans didn't bother with it anymore. But it's exactly what "Fire" promises. It goes on THE CRAZY WORLD OF ARTHUR BROWN indeed crazy, Kit Lambert and Pete Townshend provided however for a hard rocking production. On top of that, the songs are excellent. Arthur Brown co-wrote most of the material with later Atomic Rooster head, Vincent Crane. There are also crazy versions of "I Put A Spell On You" (Screamin' Jay Hawkins) and "I've Got Money" (James Brown). Arthur Brown could not repeat the success of his debut, released albums again, especially in the 2000s, and is on the road till today.