Sie war in der Mitte der Siebziger eher ein regional begrenztes Phänomen, hatte Chart-Erfolge in Frankreich und in den Benelux-Staaten. Als die schottische Sängerin allerdings 1979 einen Song aufnahm, den Ray Dorset (Mungo Jerry) eigentlich für Elvis Presley geschrieben hatte, wurde sie zu einem Pop-Star. Der erste Versuch versandete noch, die Wiederveröffentlichung der Single "Feels Like I'm In Love" 1980 funktionierte allerdings, und die 45er ging weltweit durch die Decke (UK #1, D #5). Die beiden Folge-Singles "Loving Just For Fun" (1980) und "Hot Love" (1981) stießen zum Teil immer noch bis in die Top 20 vor. Bis Ende der Neunziger blieb Kelly Marie sehr aktiv, veröffentlichte auch mehrere Alben (vornehmlich in den Siebzigern und Achtzigern). Obwohl "Feels Like I'm In Love" von Elvis Presley wegen seines plötzlichen Todes 1977 nicht mehr veröffentlicht werden konnte, existieren Aufnahmen von ihm, wie er das Lied singt. Es hätte gepasst! Kelly Marie wird am 16. Oktober 65 Jahre alt.
She was more of a regional phenomenon in the mid-seventies, having chart success in France and the Benelux countries. But when the Scottish singer recorded a song in 1979 that Ray Dorset (Mungo Jerry) had actually written for Elvis Presley, she became a Pop star. The first attempt still failed, but the re-release of the single "Feels Like I'm In Love" in 1980 worked, and the song went through the roof worldwide (UK #1, D #5). The two follow-up singles "Loving Just For Fun" (1980) and "Hot Love" (1981) still managed to reach the Top 20. Until the late nineties, Kelly Marie remained very active, also released several albums (mainly in the seventies and eighties). Although "Feels Like I'm In Love" by Elvis Presley could not be released due to his sudden death in 1977, recordings of him singing the song exist. It would have fit! Kelly Marie will be 65 years old on October 16.
She was more of a regional phenomenon in the mid-seventies, having chart success in France and the Benelux countries. But when the Scottish singer recorded a song in 1979 that Ray Dorset (Mungo Jerry) had actually written for Elvis Presley, she became a Pop star. The first attempt still failed, but the re-release of the single "Feels Like I'm In Love" in 1980 worked, and the song went through the roof worldwide (UK #1, D #5). The two follow-up singles "Loving Just For Fun" (1980) and "Hot Love" (1981) still managed to reach the Top 20. Until the late nineties, Kelly Marie remained very active, also released several albums (mainly in the seventies and eighties). Although "Feels Like I'm In Love" by Elvis Presley could not be released due to his sudden death in 1977, recordings of him singing the song exist. It would have fit! Kelly Marie will be 65 years old on October 16.