Am 21. April ist er 75 Jahre alt geworden: James Newell Osterberg Jr. - oder einfach kurz Iggy Pop. Geschichte schrieb er bereits mit den 1967 von ihm mitbegründeten Stooges, die neben MC5 zu den wichtigsten Einflüssen des amerikanischen Punk zählen. Nach dem Ende der Stooges startete Iggy Pop eine Solo-Karriere, die ihn immer wieder mit David Bowie zusammenführte. Beide Musiker beeinflussten sich nachhaltig, schrieben Songs füreinander, musizierten miteinander. Pop legte sich musikalisch nie fest, wilderte mal im Punk, mal im Heavy Metal oder im Pop, veröffentlichte experimentelle Alben. Von 2003 bis 2010 gab es dann noch eine Stooges-Réunion. Außerdem war er immer ein gern gesehener Gastsänger auf Alben von Musikerkollegen
On April 21, he turned 75: James Newell Osterberg Jr. - or simply Iggy Pop for short. He already made history with the Stooges, which he co-founded in 1967 and which, along with MC5, are among the most important influences of American Punk. After the end of the Stooges, Iggy Pop started a solo career that brought him together with David Bowie again and again. Both musicians had a lasting influence on each other, wrote songs for each other and made music together. Pop never musically fixed, sometimes poached in Punk, sometimes in Heavy Metal or Pop, published experimental albums. From 2003 to 2010 there was a Stooges reunion. In addition, he was always a welcome guest singer on albums by fellow musicians.
On April 21, he turned 75: James Newell Osterberg Jr. - or simply Iggy Pop for short. He already made history with the Stooges, which he co-founded in 1967 and which, along with MC5, are among the most important influences of American Punk. After the end of the Stooges, Iggy Pop started a solo career that brought him together with David Bowie again and again. Both musicians had a lasting influence on each other, wrote songs for each other and made music together. Pop never musically fixed, sometimes poached in Punk, sometimes in Heavy Metal or Pop, published experimental albums. From 2003 to 2010 there was a Stooges reunion. In addition, he was always a welcome guest singer on albums by fellow musicians.