„Würzel“ Burston kam 1984 zu Motörhead und läutete gemeinsam mit Phil Campbell bei der englischen Heavy-Metal-Institution eine neue Ära ein, die fortan von zwei Gitarristen geprägt wurde. Zu hören war das bereits bei den vier neuen Songs auf der Kompilation NO REMORSE (1984). Würzel blieb bis 1995. Danach spielte er bei Warhead und Disgust, hatte zahlreiche Gastbeiträge bei Szenekollegen. Am 9. Juli 2011 verstarb er an den Folgen einer Herzkrankheit.
"Würzel" Burston joined Motörhead in 1984 and, together with Phil Campbell, ushered in a new era for the English Heavy Metal institution, which from then on was characterized by two guitarists. This could already be heard on the four new songs on the compilation NO REMORSE (1984). Würzel stayed until 1995, after which he played with Warhead and Disgust, had numerous guest appearances with scene colleagues. He died as a result of heart disease on July 9, 2011.
"Würzel" Burston joined Motörhead in 1984 and, together with Phil Campbell, ushered in a new era for the English Heavy Metal institution, which from then on was characterized by two guitarists. This could already be heard on the four new songs on the compilation NO REMORSE (1984). Würzel stayed until 1995, after which he played with Warhead and Disgust, had numerous guest appearances with scene colleagues. He died as a result of heart disease on July 9, 2011.