Als die Beach Boys am 31. Dezember 1961 im Municipal Auditorium, Long Beach, Kalifornien, auftraten, wurden sie zum ersten Mal bezahlt. Damit ist die drei Songs umfassende Show im Rahmen einer Ritchie-Valens-Erinnerungs-Veranstaltung als das erste offizielle Konzert der Gruppe unter dem Namen Beach Boys in die Rock-Geschichte eingegangen. Mit von der Partie waren an jenem Abend unter anderem Ike & Tina Turner, The Carlos Brothers und The Rivingtons. Dick Dale & The Del-Tones hatten am 23. Dezember im Rendezvous Ballroom, Newport Beach, Kalifornien, die neue Band für einen kurzen Auftritt als Support mit ins Billing gehoben, wo die Beach Boys ihre ersten eigenen Songs einem stilkundigen Publikum darboten. Ebenfalls dabei: The Surfaris und The Challengers. Und am 30. Dezember waren sie vor ein paar Kumpels im Olive Recreation Center, Burbank, Kalifornien zu sehen gewesen.
When the Beach Boys performed at the Municipal Auditorium, Long Beach, CA, on December 31, 1961, they were paid for the first time. As a result, the three-song show at a Ritchie Valens memorial event has gone down in Rock history as the group's first official concert under the Beach Boys name. Joining them that night were Ike & Tina Turner, The Carlos Brothers and The Rivingtons, among others. Dick Dale & The Del-Tones had added the new band to the billing for a brief appearance as support on December 23 at the Rendezvous Ballroom, Newport Beach, CA, where the Beach Boys performed their first original songs to a skillful audience. Also on the billing were The Surfaris and The Challengers. And on December 30, they had been featured in front of a few buddies at the Olive Recreation Center, Burbank, CA.
When the Beach Boys performed at the Municipal Auditorium, Long Beach, CA, on December 31, 1961, they were paid for the first time. As a result, the three-song show at a Ritchie Valens memorial event has gone down in Rock history as the group's first official concert under the Beach Boys name. Joining them that night were Ike & Tina Turner, The Carlos Brothers and The Rivingtons, among others. Dick Dale & The Del-Tones had added the new band to the billing for a brief appearance as support on December 23 at the Rendezvous Ballroom, Newport Beach, CA, where the Beach Boys performed their first original songs to a skillful audience. Also on the billing were The Surfaris and The Challengers. And on December 30, they had been featured in front of a few buddies at the Olive Recreation Center, Burbank, CA.