Vor 45 Jahren am 9. April nahm sich der Folk-Sänger Phil Ochs das Leben. Die Karriere des Musikers kann nicht an Hitparaden-Platzierungen gemessen werden. Vielmehr setzte er Zeichen, indem er sich aktueller politischer Themen annahm und unverblümt seine Meinung dazu kundtat. So gehört sein “Talking Vietnam“ von 1964 zu den ganz frühen musikalischen Statements gegen den Vietnam-Krieg. Stilistisch dem American Folk Revival verhaftet, trug er seine Protest-Songs meist lediglich zur akustischen Gitarre vor. Ochs veröffentlichte seit 1964 zu Lebzeiten sechs Studio- und zwei Live-Alben. Zu seinen eindringlichsten Songs zählen unter anderem “War Is Over“, “No More Songs“, “White Boots Marching In A Yellow Land“ und “I Ain‘t Marching Anymore“. Als er sich 1976 erhängte, war er 35 Jahre alt. Er litt unter manischen Depressionen und war schwer alkoholkrank.
45 years ago on April 9, folk singer Phil Ochs took his own life. The musician's career can’t be measured by chart positions. Rather, he set signs with political statements. His "Talking Vietnam" from 1964 is one of the very early musical statements against the Vietnam War. Stylistically attached to the American Folk Revival, he mostly performed his protest songs to acoustic guitar only. Ochs released six studio albums and two live albums during his lifetime since 1964. Among his most haunting songs are "War Is Over," "No More Songs," "White Boots Marching In A Yellow Land" and "I Ain't Marching Anymore." When he hanged himself in 1976, he was 35 years old. He suffered from manic depression and was severely addicted to alcohol.
45 years ago on April 9, folk singer Phil Ochs took his own life. The musician's career can’t be measured by chart positions. Rather, he set signs with political statements. His "Talking Vietnam" from 1964 is one of the very early musical statements against the Vietnam War. Stylistically attached to the American Folk Revival, he mostly performed his protest songs to acoustic guitar only. Ochs released six studio albums and two live albums during his lifetime since 1964. Among his most haunting songs are "War Is Over," "No More Songs," "White Boots Marching In A Yellow Land" and "I Ain't Marching Anymore." When he hanged himself in 1976, he was 35 years old. He suffered from manic depression and was severely addicted to alcohol.