Michael Cartellone, der am 7. Juni 60 Jahre alt wird, gehört nach den Schlagzeuger-Schwergewichten aus den Sechzigern und Siebzigern zur neuen Drummer-Generation, die sich ab den Achtzigern etablierte. Und hier erspielte er sich einen glanzvollen Namen. 1989 wurde er als Gründungsmitglied der Damn Yankees auf Schlag weltbekannt, spielte er hier doch mit Ted Nugent, Tommy Shaw (Styx) und Jack Blades (Night Ranger) zusammen. In den Neunzigern war er unter anderem auf der Freddie-Mercury-posthum-Kompilation THE GREAT PRETENDER zu hören, spielte auf Alben von Accept, Vince Neil (Mötley Crüe), John Wetton (King Crimson, Asia), Joe Lynn Turner (Rainbow, Deep Purple), Peter Frampton, auf Veröffentlichungen seiner Ex-Kollegen Shaw und Blades, und ist seit 1999 Mitglied von Lynyrd Skynyrd.
Michael Cartellone, who turns 60 on June 7, is one of the new generation of drummers, after the drumming heavyweights of the sixties and seventies, who established themselves from the eighties on. And it was here that he earned a glittering name for himself. In 1989, as a founding member of the Damn Yankees, he became world famous in one fell swoop, playing with Ted Nugent, Tommy Shaw (Styx) and Jack Blades (Night Ranger). In the nineties he was featured on the Freddie Mercury posthumous compilation THE GREAT PRETENDER, played on albums by Accept, Vince Neil (Mötley Crüe), John Wetton (King Crimson, Asia), Joe Lynn Turner (Rainbow, Deep Purple), Peter Frampton, on releases by his ex-colleagues Shaw and Blades, and has been a member of Lynyrd Skynyrd since 1999.
Michael Cartellone, who turns 60 on June 7, is one of the new generation of drummers, after the drumming heavyweights of the sixties and seventies, who established themselves from the eighties on. And it was here that he earned a glittering name for himself. In 1989, as a founding member of the Damn Yankees, he became world famous in one fell swoop, playing with Ted Nugent, Tommy Shaw (Styx) and Jack Blades (Night Ranger). In the nineties he was featured on the Freddie Mercury posthumous compilation THE GREAT PRETENDER, played on albums by Accept, Vince Neil (Mötley Crüe), John Wetton (King Crimson, Asia), Joe Lynn Turner (Rainbow, Deep Purple), Peter Frampton, on releases by his ex-colleagues Shaw and Blades, and has been a member of Lynyrd Skynyrd since 1999.