David Gilmour, Co-Lead-Sänger und Gitarrist von Pink Floyd, wird am 6. März 75 Jahre alt. Als der Musiker im Dezember 1967 zu den britischen Psychedelic- und Progressive-Rock-Pionieren stieß, war ihm bestenfalls eine Ersatzspielerrolle zugedacht. So sollte er anfangs für den wegen seines Drogenkonsums immer häufiger indisponierten Sid Barrett bei Konzerten auflaufen. Als es mit dem aber schon im Frühjahr 1968 gar nicht mehr ging, übernahm Gilmour dessen Funktion im Bandgefüge als Musiker. Sänger und Gitarrist Roger Waters bestimmte fortan die Entwicklung von Pink Floyd. Bis 1972 war der kreative Anteil von David Gilmour an der Musik von Pink Floyd recht hoch - steuerte eigene Songs bei oder arbeitete nicht selten als Co-Autor mit Waters. Ab THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON (1973) war das aber vorbei. Waters wurde zum alleinigen Komponisten und Texter. Erst nach dessen Ausstieg kam Gilmour wieder zum Zuge. Er übernahm bei den letzten drei Floyd-Alben A MOMENTARY LAPSE OF REASON (1987), THE DIVISION BELL (1994) und THE ENDLESS RIVER (2014) nicht nur das Songwriting, sondern wurde auch zum Leiter der Band. Gilmour veröffentlichte vier Solo-Alben und gilt als einer der einflussreichsten Gitarristen der Rock-Geschichte.
David Gilmour, co-lead singer and guitarist of Pink Floyd, turns 75 on March 6. When the musician joined the British Psychedelic and Progressive Rock pioneers in December 1967, he was intended at best a substitute player role. In the beginning, he was supposed to stand in for Sid Barrett, who was increasingly indisposed due to his drug use. But when Barrett was no longer able to play in the spring of 1968, Gilmour took over his function in the band structure as a musician. Singer and guitarist Roger Waters henceforth determined the development of Pink Floyd. Until 1972, the creative contribution of David Gilmour to the music of Pink Floyd was quite high - contributed his own songs or worked not infrequently as a co-author with Waters. From THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON (1973), however, this was over. Waters became the sole composer and lyricist. It was only after Waters' departure that Gilmour came back into his own. He not only took over the songwriting on the last three Floyd albums A MOMENTARY LAPSE OF REASON (1987), THE DIVISION BELL (1994) and THE ENDLESS RIVER (2014), but also became the leader of the band. Gilmour released four solo albums and is considered one of the most influential guitarists in Rock history.
David Gilmour, co-lead singer and guitarist of Pink Floyd, turns 75 on March 6. When the musician joined the British Psychedelic and Progressive Rock pioneers in December 1967, he was intended at best a substitute player role. In the beginning, he was supposed to stand in for Sid Barrett, who was increasingly indisposed due to his drug use. But when Barrett was no longer able to play in the spring of 1968, Gilmour took over his function in the band structure as a musician. Singer and guitarist Roger Waters henceforth determined the development of Pink Floyd. Until 1972, the creative contribution of David Gilmour to the music of Pink Floyd was quite high - contributed his own songs or worked not infrequently as a co-author with Waters. From THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON (1973), however, this was over. Waters became the sole composer and lyricist. It was only after Waters' departure that Gilmour came back into his own. He not only took over the songwriting on the last three Floyd albums A MOMENTARY LAPSE OF REASON (1987), THE DIVISION BELL (1994) and THE ENDLESS RIVER (2014), but also became the leader of the band. Gilmour released four solo albums and is considered one of the most influential guitarists in Rock history.