Am 30. Dezember ist Patti Smith 75 Jahre alt geworden. Die außergewöhnliche Künstlerin gilt als Mitbegründerin des US-Punk, wenngleich sie mit ihren ersten Alben musikalisch noch sehr dem Folk Rock verhaftet war. Allerdings war im Vortrag die politisierende Ernsthaftigkeit einer lässigen Verachtung gewichen. Patti Smith wirkte auf ihrem Debüt HORSES (1975) mit ihrer selbstbewussten Dreistigkeit wie gegen den Strich vorherrschender Klischees gebürstet. Dazu gehörte auch das Cover-Foto, das eine androgyne Frau in achtlos übergeworfene Männerklamotten zeigte. Smith setzte Maßstäbe: musikalisch, lyrisch, modisch. Als sie nicht mehr erneuern konnte, probierte sie sich aus, machte Art Rock, Jazz, zog als Spoken-Words-Künstlerin über internationale Bühnen, schrieb Songs für andere.
Patti Smith turned 75 on December 30. The extraordinary artist is considered a co-founder of U.S. Punk, although musically she was still very much attached to Folk Rock with her first albums. However, the politicizing seriousness had given way to a casual contempt in her performance. Patti Smith's self-confident audacity on her debut HORSES (1975) seemed to be brushed against the grain of prevailing clichés. This included the cover photo, which showed an androgynous woman in carelessly thrown-over men's clothes. Smith set standards: musically, lyrically, fashionably. When she could no longer renew, she tried out, made Art Rock, Jazz, moved as a spoken-word artist across international stages, wrote songs for others.
Patti Smith turned 75 on December 30. The extraordinary artist is considered a co-founder of U.S. Punk, although musically she was still very much attached to Folk Rock with her first albums. However, the politicizing seriousness had given way to a casual contempt in her performance. Patti Smith's self-confident audacity on her debut HORSES (1975) seemed to be brushed against the grain of prevailing clichés. This included the cover photo, which showed an androgynous woman in carelessly thrown-over men's clothes. Smith set standards: musically, lyrically, fashionably. When she could no longer renew, she tried out, made Art Rock, Jazz, moved as a spoken-word artist across international stages, wrote songs for others.