CREED gründeten sich 1978 in Memphis und brachten im selben Jahr eine echte LP-Perle heraus, die heute leider vergessen ist. Initiatoren der Band waren Luther Maben (g) und Steve Ingle (voc, g). Die Band spielte eine ziemlich tempogeladene und harte Southern-Rock-Variante, die viel Soul besaß, mit Funk und Blues Rock angereichert war. Creed klangen absolut eigenständig, lassen sich konzeptionell aber vielleicht mit der Allman Brothers Band oder den Doobie Brothers auf dem Härte-Level von Lynyrd Skynyrd und Blackfoot vergleichen. Die Band existierte bis Mitte der Achtziger und veröffentlichte 1983 noch eine EP im Eigenvertrieb. In den 2000ern gab es dann in Memphis ein paar ausgesuchte Auftritte in Originalbesetzung. CREED ist eine unbedingte Empfehlung für Entdecker, Hard-Rock- und Southern-Rock-Fans.
CREED formed in 1978 in Memphis and released a great LP in the same year, which is sadly forgotten today. Initiators of the band were Luther Maben (g) and Steve Ingle (voc, g). The band played a fast and hard Southern Rock version, which had a lot of Soul, charged with Funk and Blues Rock. Creed sounded absolutely independent, but can be compared conceptually perhaps with the Allman Brothers Band or the Doobie Brothers on the hardness level of Lynyrd Skynyrd and Blackfoot. The band existed until the mid-eighties and released one more self-distributed EP in 1983. In the 2000s Creed played a few select gigs in Memphis with the original lineup. CREED is an unconditional recommendation for explorers, Hard Rock and Southern Rock fans.
CREED formed in 1978 in Memphis and released a great LP in the same year, which is sadly forgotten today. Initiators of the band were Luther Maben (g) and Steve Ingle (voc, g). The band played a fast and hard Southern Rock version, which had a lot of Soul, charged with Funk and Blues Rock. Creed sounded absolutely independent, but can be compared conceptually perhaps with the Allman Brothers Band or the Doobie Brothers on the hardness level of Lynyrd Skynyrd and Blackfoot. The band existed until the mid-eighties and released one more self-distributed EP in 1983. In the 2000s Creed played a few select gigs in Memphis with the original lineup. CREED is an unconditional recommendation for explorers, Hard Rock and Southern Rock fans.