Auweia. The Cats. Wieder solch eine Band, über die Rock-Fans in den Siebzigern im Allgemeinen die Nase rümpften. War aber auch schwer, die nach der deutschen Version ihres 71er Hits "One Way Wind" ("Sommerwind") in aller Öffentlichkeit zu mögen. Dabei waren sie ausgezeichnet. Abgesehen von ihren zahlreichen 60s-Erfolgen, mit denen sie in den Benelux-Staaten ein Abo auf die vorderen Plätze hatten, machte die 1964 gegründete Band in den Siebzigern einen blitzsauberen Country Rock. Der basierte zwar auf Balladen, diese wiederum hatten allerdings zauberhafte Melodien. Mit Schlager - wie ihnen damals nicht selten unterstellt - hatte das alles nicht die Bohne zu tun. Noch erfolgreicher als "One Way Wind" (D #4) war 1972 "Let's Dance" (#3). Mit "Be My Day" gab es 1974 dann noch einmal einen Rang vier. In ihrer Heimat Holland und in Belgien blieben The Cats jedoch bis 1983 eine Top-20-Band. Allein in den Niederlanden verzeichnete die Gruppe fünf Nummer-eins-Notierungen. 1985 lösten The Cats sich auf. Eine Band zum Neuentdecken und Neubewerten.
Oh dear. The Cats. Another band that Rock fans generally turned up their noses at in the seventies. But it was also hard to like them in public after the German version of their 71 hit "One Way Wind" ("Sommerwind"). Yet they were excellent. Apart from their numerous 60s successes, with which they had a subscription to the front places in the Benelux countries, the band, founded in 1964, made a excellent Country Rock in the seventies. This was based on ballads, but these in turn had enchanting melodies. None of this had anything to do with "Schlager", as they were often accused of at the time in Germany. Even more successful than "One Way Wind" (G #4) was "Let's Dance" (#3) in 1972. With "Be My Day" there was then another rank four in 1974. In their native Holland and in Belgium, however, The Cats remained a Top 20 band until 1983. In the Netherlands alone, the group recorded five number one listings. In 1985, The Cats disbanded. A band to rediscover and re-evaluate.
Oh dear. The Cats. Another band that Rock fans generally turned up their noses at in the seventies. But it was also hard to like them in public after the German version of their 71 hit "One Way Wind" ("Sommerwind"). Yet they were excellent. Apart from their numerous 60s successes, with which they had a subscription to the front places in the Benelux countries, the band, founded in 1964, made a excellent Country Rock in the seventies. This was based on ballads, but these in turn had enchanting melodies. None of this had anything to do with "Schlager", as they were often accused of at the time in Germany. Even more successful than "One Way Wind" (G #4) was "Let's Dance" (#3) in 1972. With "Be My Day" there was then another rank four in 1974. In their native Holland and in Belgium, however, The Cats remained a Top 20 band until 1983. In the Netherlands alone, the group recorded five number one listings. In 1985, The Cats disbanded. A band to rediscover and re-evaluate.