Abgesehen davon, dass Nigel Glockler seit 1981 mit ein paar Unterbrechungen Schlagzeuger der britischen Heavy-Metal-Band Saxon ist, dürften seine Ausflüge "zwischendurch" für Rock-Fans ziemlich interessant sein. So spielte er zum Beispiel vor seinem Einstieg bei den Schwermetallern das Album ANTHEM von Toyah mit ein, gehörte 1987 kurz zu einem reformierten Line up von GTR, stand bei Steve Howe in Lohn und Brot, trommelte für die deutschen Thunderstorm, machte bei Fastway mit, saß bei Tony Martin hinter den Drums, war zu AQUA-Zeiten (1992) Mitglied von Asia und spielte mit den Ex-Iron-Maiden-Musikern Paul Di'Anno und Dennis Stratton eine Zeitlang im Projekt Original Iron Men mit. Nigel Glockler wird am 24. Januar 70 Jahre alt.
Apart from the fact that Nigel Glockler has been the drummer of the British Heavy Metal band Saxon since 1981 with a few interruptions, his excursions "in between" should be quite interesting for Rock fans. For example, before joining Saxon, he recorded Toyah's ANTHEM album, was briefly part of a reformed line up of GTR in 1987, worked for Steve Howe, played drums for the German Thunderstorm, joined Fastway, sat behind the drums for Tony Martin, was a member of Asia in AQUA times (1992) and played with ex-Iron Maiden musicians Paul Di'Anno and Dennis Stratton for a while in the project Original Iron Men. Nigel Glockler will be 70 years old on January 24.
Apart from the fact that Nigel Glockler has been the drummer of the British Heavy Metal band Saxon since 1981 with a few interruptions, his excursions "in between" should be quite interesting for Rock fans. For example, before joining Saxon, he recorded Toyah's ANTHEM album, was briefly part of a reformed line up of GTR in 1987, worked for Steve Howe, played drums for the German Thunderstorm, joined Fastway, sat behind the drums for Tony Martin, was a member of Asia in AQUA times (1992) and played with ex-Iron Maiden musicians Paul Di'Anno and Dennis Stratton for a while in the project Original Iron Men. Nigel Glockler will be 70 years old on January 24.