He was responsible for the distinctive saxophone motif in the Coasters hit "Yakety Yak" (1958) and played on records by John Lennon, Aretha Franklin, Buddy Holly and released records himself under King Curtis or with the Noble Knights or as King Curtis & The Kingpins. His biggest success was a number one on the US R&B charts in 1962 with "Soul Twist." On August 13, 50 years ago, Curtis Ousley was stabbed to death by a drug dealer outside his apartment in New York. The musician had gotten into a fight with the vagrant because he blocked the entrance to his front door.
Er war für das markante Saxofon-Motiv in dem Coasters-Hit “Yakety Yak“ (1958) verantwortlich und spielte auf Platten von John Lennon, Aretha Franklin, Buddy Holly und veröffentlichte unter King Curtis oder mit den Noble Knights oder als King Curtis & The Kingpins selbst Platten. Sein größter Erfolg war 1962 mit “Soul Twist“ eine Nummer eins in den US-R&B-Charts. Am 13. August vor 50 Jahren wurde Curtis Ousley vor seiner Wohnung in New York von einem Drogendealer erstochen. Der Musiker war mit dem Landstreicher in Streit geraten, weil dieser nicht den Zugang zu seinem Hausaufgang frei machen wollte.
He was responsible for the distinctive saxophone motif in the Coasters hit "Yakety Yak" (1958) and played on records by John Lennon, Aretha Franklin, Buddy Holly and released records himself under King Curtis or with the Noble Knights or as King Curtis & The Kingpins. His biggest success was a number one on the US R&B charts in 1962 with "Soul Twist." On August 13, 50 years ago, Curtis Ousley was stabbed to death by a drug dealer outside his apartment in New York. The musician had gotten into a fight with the vagrant because he blocked the entrance to his front door.