Seinen 80. Geburtstag beging am 17. März Pat Vegas, Bassist, Sänger und Songschreiber bei der Indianer-Band Redbone. Das Gründungsmitglied gehörte der Gruppe bis 1977 an. Danach galten Redbone als nicht mehr existent. Es soll aber immer wieder Formationen unter dem Namen gegeben haben, denen aber keines der ursprünglichen Redbone-Mitglieder angehörte. 1997 kam es zur Wiedervereinigung von drei Gründungsmitgliedern, von denen heute nur noch Pat Vegas übrig ist. Er hat die Besetzung seit 2017 konsequent erneuert. Redbone setzten sich von Anfang an für die Rechte der amerikanischen Ureinwohner ein, thematisierten in ihren Texten den Kampf der Indianer um ihr Land und ihre Selbstbestimmung. Obwohl es musizierende Ureinwohner in den USA extrem schwer haben, erfolgreich zu sein, gelang Redbone mit “Come And Get Your Love“ eine Nummer 5 in den Bilboard-Charts. 1971 war die Band mit der Single “The Witch Queen Of New Orleans“ bereits schon einmal bis auf Rang 21 vorgedrungen. Das kämpferische politische Statement “We Were All Wounded at Wounded Knee“ (Pat Vegas ist Co-Autor) war nur in Europa erfolgreich (D #21, Holland #1, Belgien #1). Herzlichen Glückwünsch.
Celebrating his 80th birthday March the 17th was Pat Vegas, bassist, singer and songwriter with the Native American band Redbone. The founding member belonged to the group until 1977. After that, Redbone was considered to no longer exist. However, it is said that there have always been formations under the name, but none of the original Redbone members belonged to them. In 1997, three founding members reunited, of which only Pat Vegas remains today. He has consistently renewed the lineup since 2017. From the beginning, Redbone championed the rights of Native Americans, addressing in their lyrics the struggle of Indians for their land and self-determination. Although Native American musicians have an extremely hard time being successful in the U.S., Redbone managed a number 5 on the bilboard charts with "Come And Get Your Love." In 1971, the band had already reached number 21 with the single "The Witch Queen Of New Orleans". The militant political statement "We Were All Wounded at Wounded Knee" (Pat Vegas co-wrote) was only successful in Europe (D #21, Holland #1, Belgium #1). Congratulations.
Celebrating his 80th birthday March the 17th was Pat Vegas, bassist, singer and songwriter with the Native American band Redbone. The founding member belonged to the group until 1977. After that, Redbone was considered to no longer exist. However, it is said that there have always been formations under the name, but none of the original Redbone members belonged to them. In 1997, three founding members reunited, of which only Pat Vegas remains today. He has consistently renewed the lineup since 2017. From the beginning, Redbone championed the rights of Native Americans, addressing in their lyrics the struggle of Indians for their land and self-determination. Although Native American musicians have an extremely hard time being successful in the U.S., Redbone managed a number 5 on the bilboard charts with "Come And Get Your Love." In 1971, the band had already reached number 21 with the single "The Witch Queen Of New Orleans". The militant political statement "We Were All Wounded at Wounded Knee" (Pat Vegas co-wrote) was only successful in Europe (D #21, Holland #1, Belgium #1). Congratulations.