Ungarns Rockband Nummer eins, Omega, will im kommenden Jahr noch einmal alle Register ziehen. Wie Sänger János Kóbor mitteilt, sind zum 60. Jubiläum zumindest in Ungarn Live-Ereignisse geplant. Natürlich möchte die Band auch noch einmal nach Deutschland kommen, hier hänge aber alles von der Entwicklung im Zusammenhang mit Corona ab. Kóbor konkretisiert seine Ankündigung, dass es das jüngste Album TESTAMENTUM sowohl in englischer als auch in deutscher Sprache geben wird. Die deutsche Version sei bereits eingesungen und stehe kurz vor der Veröffentlichung. Probleme gibt es mit dem langjährigen Gitarristen Tamás Szekeres, der schon auf TESTAMENTUM nicht mehr zu hören war. Derzeit ist auch noch unklar, ob er die geplanten Konzerte im kommenden Jahr bestreiten wird. Kóbor ist diesbezüglich hoffnungsvoll. Szekeres, der zu den besten Musikern seines Faches gehört und bei Omega bereits seit Mitte der Neunziger auf der Bühne steht, wollte sich gegenüber GoodTimes zu dem Thema nicht äußern.
Hungary's number one Rock band, Omega, wants to pull out all the stops again next year. According to singer János Kóbor, live events are planned for the 60th anniversary, at least in Hungary. Of course, the band would also like to come to Germany again, but here everything depends on the development in connection with Corona. Kóbor concretizes his announcement that the latest album TESTAMENTUM will be available in English as well as in German. The German version has already been recorded and is about to be released. There are problems with the longtime guitarist Tamás Szekeres, who was already absent on TESTAMENTUM. At the moment it is also unclear whether he will play the planned concerts in the next year. Kóbor is hopeful in this regard. Szekeres, who is one of the best musicians and has been on stage with Omega since the mid-nineties, did not want to comment on the subject to GoodTimes.
Hungary's number one Rock band, Omega, wants to pull out all the stops again next year. According to singer János Kóbor, live events are planned for the 60th anniversary, at least in Hungary. Of course, the band would also like to come to Germany again, but here everything depends on the development in connection with Corona. Kóbor concretizes his announcement that the latest album TESTAMENTUM will be available in English as well as in German. The German version has already been recorded and is about to be released. There are problems with the longtime guitarist Tamás Szekeres, who was already absent on TESTAMENTUM. At the moment it is also unclear whether he will play the planned concerts in the next year. Kóbor is hopeful in this regard. Szekeres, who is one of the best musicians and has been on stage with Omega since the mid-nineties, did not want to comment on the subject to GoodTimes.