Vor gut einer Woche hatte Bluesveteran Paul Oscher (*5.4.1950) die Isolierstation im Krankenhaus verlassen dürfen, nachdem er bis Anfang April über einen Monat lang im Kampf gegen Covid-19 nur im Bett hatte liegen können, ehe die Reha-Maßnahmen begannen. Über Facebook hielt der Mundharmonikaspieler/Sänger und einstige Muddy-Waters-Sideman (1967-1971) die Blues-Community auf dem Laufenden, auch dass die Arbeit an seinem Buch über seine Erfahrungen im Bluesgeschäft nahezu abgeschlossen war. Auf dem selben Weg kam in der Nacht vom 18. auf den 19. April die Nachricht, dass er ein Opfer der Corona-Pandemie geworden ist. Zuletzt hatte Oscher, der auch auf deutschen Bühnen zu erleben war, 2018 mit COOL CAT ein Album veröffentlicht. Er starb mit 71 Jahren.
Just over a week ago, Blues veteran Paul Oscher (*5.4.1950) was allowed to leave the isolation ward in the hospital, after he had only been able to lie in bed for over a month in his fight against Covid-19 until the beginning of April, before rehabilitation measures began. Through Facebook, the harmonica player/singer and one-time Muddy Waters sideman (1967-1971) kept the Blues community updated, including that work on his book about his experiences in the Blues business was nearly complete. Along the same path came news on the night of April 18-19 that he had become a victim of the Corona pandemic. Most recently, Oscher, who also performed on German stages, had released an album with COOL CAT in 2018. He died at the age of 71.
Just over a week ago, Blues veteran Paul Oscher (*5.4.1950) was allowed to leave the isolation ward in the hospital, after he had only been able to lie in bed for over a month in his fight against Covid-19 until the beginning of April, before rehabilitation measures began. Through Facebook, the harmonica player/singer and one-time Muddy Waters sideman (1967-1971) kept the Blues community updated, including that work on his book about his experiences in the Blues business was nearly complete. Along the same path came news on the night of April 18-19 that he had become a victim of the Corona pandemic. Most recently, Oscher, who also performed on German stages, had released an album with COOL CAT in 2018. He died at the age of 71.