Bereits am Sonntag ist Ron Bushy, Schlagzeuger von Iron Butterfly, im Alter von 79 Jahren verstorben. Er war Ende 1966 zu der im selben Jahr gegründeten US-Formation gestoßen und spielte bis 1975 alle sechs Studioalben mit ein. Iron Butterfly gehörten zu jenen Bands, die psychedelische Musik mehr und mehr mit hartem Rock anreicherten und zu Wegbereitern des Heavy Metal wurden. Legendenstatus erlangten Iron Butterfly mit ihrer zweiten LP IN-A-GADDA-DA-VIDA von 1968, die den 17-minütigen Titelsong enthält. Dieses Werk kam nicht zuletzt wegen Bushys ausgedehnten Schlagzeugsolos auf diese Zeit. Der Drummer war nach dem ersten Split immer wieder Mal Bestandteil von Line ups für Live-Auftritte, bevor er 1993 zu Iron Butterfly zurückkehrte und bis 2019 an allen Aktivitäten beteiligt war.
Already on Sunday Ron Bushy, drummer of Iron Butterfly, passed away at the age of 79. He had joined the U.S. formation, which was founded in the same year, at the end of 1966 and recorded all six studio albums until 1975. Iron Butterfly belonged to those bands that enriched psychedelic music more and more with Hard Rock and became pioneers of Heavy Metal. Iron Butterfly achieved legendary status with their second LP IN-A-GADDA-DA-VIDA from 1968, which contains the 17-minute title track. This work came to this time not least because of Bushy's extended drum solo. The drummer was a recurring part of line ups for live performances after the first split, before returning to Iron Butterfly in 1993 and participating in all activities until 2019.
Already on Sunday Ron Bushy, drummer of Iron Butterfly, passed away at the age of 79. He had joined the U.S. formation, which was founded in the same year, at the end of 1966 and recorded all six studio albums until 1975. Iron Butterfly belonged to those bands that enriched psychedelic music more and more with Hard Rock and became pioneers of Heavy Metal. Iron Butterfly achieved legendary status with their second LP IN-A-GADDA-DA-VIDA from 1968, which contains the 17-minute title track. This work came to this time not least because of Bushy's extended drum solo. The drummer was a recurring part of line ups for live performances after the first split, before returning to Iron Butterfly in 1993 and participating in all activities until 2019.