Wenn 65 immer noch als Eintritt ins Rentenalter gilt, geht Iron-Maiden-Bassist Steve Harris am 12. März in den Ruhestand. Bei ihm, dem Motor und kreativen Kopf hinter der britischen Heavy-Metal-Band, wird es aber womöglich noch viele Jahre weitergehen. Dass er nicht der Typ dafür ist, die Füße still zu halten, zeigt er mit Jobs als Produzent, Video-Clip-Regisseur oder Mitglied der British Lion. Ihm sei herzlich gratuliert.
If 65 is still considered retirement age, Iron Maiden bassist Steve Harris will retire on March 12. But for him, the engine and creative mind behind the British Heavy Metal band, it may go on for many years to come. That he is not the type to keep his feet still, he shows with jobs as a producer, video clip director or member of the British Lion. He is to be congratulated warmly.
If 65 is still considered retirement age, Iron Maiden bassist Steve Harris will retire on March 12. But for him, the engine and creative mind behind the British Heavy Metal band, it may go on for many years to come. That he is not the type to keep his feet still, he shows with jobs as a producer, video clip director or member of the British Lion. He is to be congratulated warmly.