Keith Hopwood war 1964 mit dabei, als sich in Manchester Herman‘s Hermits gründeten. Als Gitarrist und Background-Sänger war er an allen Singles und Alben der Sechziger beteiligt. Dabei trat er auch als Songwriter in Erscheinung. Als der Stern der Band gesunken war, verließ er die Hermits 1972. Der Künstler arbeitete als Plattenproduzent, schrieb Filmmusiken, betrieb ein Label, dass unter anderem Commercials produzierte und stellte seine kompositorischen Fähigkeiten Kollegen zur Verfügung. Keith Hopwood wurde am 26. Oktober 75 Jahre alt.
Keith Hopwood was one of the founding members of Herman's Hermits in Manchester in 1964. As guitarist and background singer he was involved in all singles and albums of the sixties. He also appeared as a songwriter. When the star of the band had fallen, he left the Hermits in 1972. The artist worked as a record producer, wrote film scores, ran a label that produced, among other things, commercials. Keith Hopwood turned 75 on October 26.
Keith Hopwood was one of the founding members of Herman's Hermits in Manchester in 1964. As guitarist and background singer he was involved in all singles and albums of the sixties. He also appeared as a songwriter. When the star of the band had fallen, he left the Hermits in 1972. The artist worked as a record producer, wrote film scores, ran a label that produced, among other things, commercials. Keith Hopwood turned 75 on October 26.