Der in Schottland geborene Ian Anderson gründete 1967 in Blackpool Jethro Tull, deren Musik auf drei Säulen basierte: Progressive Rock, Folk und Hard Rock. Der Multiinstrumentalist inszenierte sich von Anfang als exaltierter Derwisch, der die Querflöte zu einem anerkannten Rock-Instrument machte. Er verschmolz mit dem Instrument visuell und akustisch. Mit der Prog-Rock-Parodie THICK AS A BRICK (1972) schuf Ian Anderson kurioserweise eines der bedeutendsten Prog-Werke der Siebziger. 1983 wurde er solistisch aktiv, sein Schaffen überschnitt sich stilistisch und auch personell aber immer mit dem von Jethro Tull, da Anderson die Band als Komponist und Lyriker in Alleinregie führte. Das jüngste Tull-Album, THE ZEALOT GENE , erschien erst 2022. In der GoodTimes 1/2022 widmeten wir uns in eine Titelstory und mit einem Interview der Geschichte von Jethro Tull und dem neuen Album. Als Zugabe gab es es noch ein Anderson-Poster.
Am 10. August wird Ian Anderson 75 Jahre alt.
Scottish-born Ian Anderson founded Jethro Tull in Blackpool in 1967, whose music was based on three pillars: Progressive Rock, Folk and Hard Rock. From the beginning, the multi-instrumentalist staged himself as an exalted dervish who made the flute a recognized Rock instrument. He merged with the instrument visually and acoustically. With the Prog Rock parody THICK AS A BRICK (1972), Ian Anderson curiously created one of the most important Prog works of the seventies. In 1983 he became active as a soloist, but his work always overlapped stylistically and also in terms of personnel with that of Jethro Tull, since Anderson was the band's sole composer and lyricist. The latest Tull album, THE ZEALOT GENE , was released in 2022. In the GoodTimes 1/2022 we devoted a cover story and an interview to the history of Jethro Tull and the new album. As an encore there was also an Anderson poster.
Ian Anderson will be 75 years old on August 10.
Am 10. August wird Ian Anderson 75 Jahre alt.
Scottish-born Ian Anderson founded Jethro Tull in Blackpool in 1967, whose music was based on three pillars: Progressive Rock, Folk and Hard Rock. From the beginning, the multi-instrumentalist staged himself as an exalted dervish who made the flute a recognized Rock instrument. He merged with the instrument visually and acoustically. With the Prog Rock parody THICK AS A BRICK (1972), Ian Anderson curiously created one of the most important Prog works of the seventies. In 1983 he became active as a soloist, but his work always overlapped stylistically and also in terms of personnel with that of Jethro Tull, since Anderson was the band's sole composer and lyricist. The latest Tull album, THE ZEALOT GENE , was released in 2022. In the GoodTimes 1/2022 we devoted a cover story and an interview to the history of Jethro Tull and the new album. As an encore there was also an Anderson poster.
Ian Anderson will be 75 years old on August 10.