Das Ende war unwürdig, nachdem Don Powell seit 1966 bis 2020 in verschiedenen Inkarnationen der Gruppe Slade Schlagzeug gespielt hatte. Er sagt, sein musikalischen Partner seit mindestens 54 Jahren, Dave Hill, hätte ihn per Email gefeuert. Hill meint: Stimmt nicht. Fakt ist, dass Powell vor der Trennung längere Zeit Bein-Probleme hatte und deshalb ein paar Gigs nicht spielen konnte. Zum Zeitpunkt des Rausschmisses sei er aber wieder fit gewesen. Powell verkörperte Slade mit seinem markanten, kantigen Gesicht und prägte den Stil der Band mit seinem harten Spiel. Auch seinetwegen waren die Hard-Rocker zu Glam-Zeiten vor allem bei Jungs beliebt.
Nach dem Rauswurf formierte er sofort eine weitere Slade-Variante unter dem Namen Don Powell‘s Slade, was rechtlich offenbar nicht aufrecht erhalten werden konnte, weshalb er jetzt mit der Don Powell Band am Start ist.
Der Schlagzeuger wird am 10. September 75 Jahre alt.
The end was undignified after Don Powell played drums in various incarnations of the group Slade from 1966 to 2020. He says his musical partner for at least 54 years, Dave Hill, fired him by email. Hill says, “Not true“. The fact is that Powell had leg problems for a long time before the breakup and therefore could not play a few gigs. At the time of the dismissal he was fit again. Powell embodied Slade with his distinctive, angular face and shaped the style of the band with his hard playing. Also because of him, the Hard Rockers were popular in glam times especially with boys.
After being kicked out, he immediately formed another Slade variant under the name Don Powell's Slade, which apparently could not be legally maintained, which is why he is now on the road with the Don Powell Band.
The drummer turns 75 on September 10.
Nach dem Rauswurf formierte er sofort eine weitere Slade-Variante unter dem Namen Don Powell‘s Slade, was rechtlich offenbar nicht aufrecht erhalten werden konnte, weshalb er jetzt mit der Don Powell Band am Start ist.
Der Schlagzeuger wird am 10. September 75 Jahre alt.
The end was undignified after Don Powell played drums in various incarnations of the group Slade from 1966 to 2020. He says his musical partner for at least 54 years, Dave Hill, fired him by email. Hill says, “Not true“. The fact is that Powell had leg problems for a long time before the breakup and therefore could not play a few gigs. At the time of the dismissal he was fit again. Powell embodied Slade with his distinctive, angular face and shaped the style of the band with his hard playing. Also because of him, the Hard Rockers were popular in glam times especially with boys.
After being kicked out, he immediately formed another Slade variant under the name Don Powell's Slade, which apparently could not be legally maintained, which is why he is now on the road with the Don Powell Band.
The drummer turns 75 on September 10.