Über zwei Millionen Einheiten soll Daniel Boone von seiner Single “Beautiful Sunday“ abgesetzt haben, mit der er 1972 einen Welthit landete (USA #15, UK #21, D #1). Gestartet hatte er seine Sangeskarriere allerdings schon 1958. Zuerst als Gtarrist und Sänger bei den Beachcombers, dann unter verschiedenen Solo-Namen, verkaufte seine Singles in diesen Phasen jedoch eher schlecht als recht. Erst als Daniel Boone gelang ihm in seiner Heimat Großbritannien 1971 mit “Daddy Don‘t You Walk So Fast“ ein Mini-Hit (#17). Nach “Beautiful Sunday“ folgte nichts mehr Vergleichbares, so dass der Sänger zu Beginn der Achtziger seine Bühnen- und Plattenkarriere weitgehend beendete. Sporadisch trat er noch in Erscheinung, verlegte sich aber aufs Komponieren.
Daniel Boone is said to have sold over two million units of his single "Beautiful Sunday," with which he landed a world hit in 1972 (USA #15, UK #21, G #1). He had already started his singing career in 1958, first as a guitarist and singer with the Beachcombers, then under various solo names, but sold his singles in these phases rather badly than well. Only as Daniel Boone did he manage a mini-hit in his native Great Britain in 1971 with "Daddy Don't You Walk So Fast" (#17). After "Beautiful Sunday" nothing comparable followed, so that the singer largely ended his stage and record career at the beginning of the eighties. Sporadically he still appeared, but shifted to composing.
Daniel Boone is said to have sold over two million units of his single "Beautiful Sunday," with which he landed a world hit in 1972 (USA #15, UK #21, G #1). He had already started his singing career in 1958, first as a guitarist and singer with the Beachcombers, then under various solo names, but sold his singles in these phases rather badly than well. Only as Daniel Boone did he manage a mini-hit in his native Great Britain in 1971 with "Daddy Don't You Walk So Fast" (#17). After "Beautiful Sunday" nothing comparable followed, so that the singer largely ended his stage and record career at the beginning of the eighties. Sporadically he still appeared, but shifted to composing.