“Paradise By The Dashboard Light“, das Teenager-Drama auf der Erfolgs-LP BAT OUT OF HELL (1977) von Meat Loaf, bescherte der hochtalentierten Sängerin Ellen Foley ihren Durchbruch. Zwar war sie nie im Video zu sehen - dort bewegt Karla DeVito die Lippen zu ihrem Gesang - das Duett öffnete Foley allerdings weitere Türen. Und so stand 1979 ihr Solo-Debüt NIGHT OUT in den Läden. Vor allem in Australien (#13) und in einigen europäischen Staaten (NL #1) konnte sie damit beachtliche Erfolge verzeichnen. Ihre Karriere als Rock-Sängerin blieb aber auf einem moderaten Level. Sie veröffentlichte noch ein paar Solo-LPs in den 80s, war Co-Frontfrau des Jim-Steinman-Projekts Pandora‘s Box Ende der Achtziger und spielte in zahlreichen Musicals, TV-Serien und Kinofilmen mit. Ihr musikalisches Schaffen ist von einer bestechenden Qualität, ihre Stimme einzigartig. Am 5. Juni ist 70 Jahre alt geworden.
"Paradise By The Dashboard Light," the teen drama on Meat Loaf's hit LP BAT OUT OF HELL (1977), gave the highly talented singer Ellen Foley her breakthrough. Although she never appeared in the video - where Karla DeVito moves her lips to her singing - the duet opened further doors for Foley. And so her solo debut NIGHT OUT hit the stores in 1979. She had considerable success with it, especially in Australia (#13) and in some European countries (NL #1). However, her career as a Rock singer remained at a moderate level. She released a few more solo LPs in the 80s, was co-frontwoman of the Jim Steinman project Pandora's Box at the end of the 80s and acted in numerous musicals, TV series and feature films. Her musical work is of a captivating quality, her voice unique. On June 5, she turned 70 years old.
"Paradise By The Dashboard Light," the teen drama on Meat Loaf's hit LP BAT OUT OF HELL (1977), gave the highly talented singer Ellen Foley her breakthrough. Although she never appeared in the video - where Karla DeVito moves her lips to her singing - the duet opened further doors for Foley. And so her solo debut NIGHT OUT hit the stores in 1979. She had considerable success with it, especially in Australia (#13) and in some European countries (NL #1). However, her career as a Rock singer remained at a moderate level. She released a few more solo LPs in the 80s, was co-frontwoman of the Jim Steinman project Pandora's Box at the end of the 80s and acted in numerous musicals, TV series and feature films. Her musical work is of a captivating quality, her voice unique. On June 5, she turned 70 years old.