Es ist mittlerweile auch schon wieder 20 Jahre her, dass der einflussreiche Blues-Musiker John Lee Hooker mit über 80 Jahren starb. Das genaue Alter bleibt ein Rätsel, da nicht geklärt werden konnte, wann Hooker geboren wurde. So kursieren für sein Ableben Altersangaben zwischen 83 und 88 Jahren. Viel wichtiger ist allerdings, dass er den Blues äußerst variabel interpretierte und dadurch eine Vielzahl von Sängern und Gitarristen beeinflusste. 1948 veröffentlichte er seine erste Single. Und da bis heute immer wieder neue Aufnahmen von ihm ausgegraben werden, ist das Sammeln seiner Platten eine Lebensaufgabe. Und da sind seine Kollaborationen mit anderen Musikern - unter anderem die Doors, Canned Heat oder B.B. King - noch nicht einmal unbedingt berücksichtigt.
It has now been another 20 years since influential Blues musician John Lee Hooker died at the age of over 80. The exact age remains a mystery, since it could not be clarified when Hooker was born. Thus, age estimates between 83 and 88 years circulate for his demise. However, it is much more important that he played the blues extremely variable and influenced a variety of singers and guitarists. In 1948 he released his first single. And since new recordings of his continue to be unearthed to this day, collecting his records is a life's work. And that doesn't even necessarily take into account his collaborations with other musicians - the Doors, Canned Heat or B.B. King, among others.
It has now been another 20 years since influential Blues musician John Lee Hooker died at the age of over 80. The exact age remains a mystery, since it could not be clarified when Hooker was born. Thus, age estimates between 83 and 88 years circulate for his demise. However, it is much more important that he played the blues extremely variable and influenced a variety of singers and guitarists. In 1948 he released his first single. And since new recordings of his continue to be unearthed to this day, collecting his records is a life's work. And that doesn't even necessarily take into account his collaborations with other musicians - the Doors, Canned Heat or B.B. King, among others.