Graeme Edge, das einzige noch verbliebene Urmitglied von Moody Blues, feierte am 30. März seinen 80. Geburtstag. Der Schlagzeuger schrieb anfangs Texte für die Band, steuerte ab Ende der Sechziger auch Kompositionen bei und übernahm zeitweise Aufgaben als Sänger. Neben der 1964 gegründeten Haupt-Band betätigte sich Edge in den Siebzigern in mit den Gurvitz-Brüdern (Gun, Baker Gurvitz Army) in der kurzlebigen Graeme Edge Band, mit der er zwei Funk- und Soul-dominierte Alben veröffentlichte (KICK OFF YOUR MUDDY BOOTS, 1975 und PARADISE BALLROOM, 1977).
Graeme Edge, the only remaining original member of Moody Blues, celebrates his 80th birthday on March 30. The drummer initially wrote lyrics for the band, also contributed compositions from the late sixties and at times took over duties as a singer. In addition to the main band, formed in 1964, Edge was active in the seventies in the short-lived Graeme Edge Band with the Gurvitz brothers (Gun, Baker Gurvitz Army), with which he released two Funk- and Soul-dominated albums (KICK OFF YOUR MUDDY BOOTS, 1975 and PARADISE BALLROOM, 1977).
Graeme Edge, the only remaining original member of Moody Blues, celebrates his 80th birthday on March 30. The drummer initially wrote lyrics for the band, also contributed compositions from the late sixties and at times took over duties as a singer. In addition to the main band, formed in 1964, Edge was active in the seventies in the short-lived Graeme Edge Band with the Gurvitz brothers (Gun, Baker Gurvitz Army), with which he released two Funk- and Soul-dominated albums (KICK OFF YOUR MUDDY BOOTS, 1975 and PARADISE BALLROOM, 1977).