Sie benannten sich nach ihrer Heimatstadt und ihrem Bundesstaat - Black Oak Arkansas. Und gehören ohne Frage zu den besten Vertretern ihres Genres. Natürlich griffen auch Black Oak auf Country Rock, Blues und Hard Rock zurück, hatten darüber hinaus aber eine Menge Soul und bewiesen immer ein Händchen für Cover-Versionen. Auffällig unbedingt die außergewöhnliche Stimme von Sänger Jim „Dandy“ Mangrum, der sich meist durch die Songs knurrte, schnarrte oder röchelte. Trotz ihres enormen Outputs - in den Siebzigern warfen sie zwischen 1972 und 1976 pro Jahr zwei bis drei Platten auf den Markt - war der Qualitätslevel immer enorm hoch.
They named themselves after their hometown and their state - Black Oak Arkansas. And without question they belong to the best representatives of their genre. Of course, Black Oak also resorted to Country Rock, Blues and Hard Rock, but they also had a lot of Soul and always proved to have a knack for cover versions. The extraordinary voice of singer Jim "Dandy" Mangrum, who mostly growled or buzzed his way through the songs, was absolutely striking. Despite their enormous output - in the seventies they released two to three records per year between 1972 and 1976 - the quality level was always enormously high.
They named themselves after their hometown and their state - Black Oak Arkansas. And without question they belong to the best representatives of their genre. Of course, Black Oak also resorted to Country Rock, Blues and Hard Rock, but they also had a lot of Soul and always proved to have a knack for cover versions. The extraordinary voice of singer Jim "Dandy" Mangrum, who mostly growled or buzzed his way through the songs, was absolutely striking. Despite their enormous output - in the seventies they released two to three records per year between 1972 and 1976 - the quality level was always enormously high.