Kiss-Urgestein und Fan-Liebling Ace Frehley wurde am 27. April 70 Jahre alt. In der Masken-Ära verkörperte Frehley den Spaceman und etablierte sich mit Show-Effekten wie die aus dem Gitarrenhals herausschießenden Feuerfontänen oder das brennende Instrument neben Gene Simmons und Paul Stanley als gleichberechtigte Bühnenfigur. Sein Gitarrenspiel besaß eine angenehme Lässigkeit, war einfallsreich und prägend für den Sound von Kiss. Ende der Siebziger verließ Ace Frehley die US-Hard-Rocker, wurde bis 1982 aber noch als Mitglied geführt. Er begründete den Schritt mit seiner Unzufriedenheit über die immer stärkere Pop-Orientierung der Band. Allerdings hatten seine Alkoholprobleme dazu geführt, dass er den Job bei Kiss nicht mehr in vollem Umfang ausführen konnte. Als Solist und mit Frehley‘s Comet veröffentlichte er einige sehr hörenswerte Hard-Rock- und Heavy-Metal-Alben, um 1996 an der Réunion der klassischen Maskenbesetzung teilzunehmen. 2002 kam er zur erneuten Trennung. Von den 1978er Solo-LPs der vier Kiss-Mitglieder hat sein Beitrag den Ruf, die gelungenste Veröffentlichung zu sein.
Kiss veteran and fan favorite Ace Frehley turns 70 on April 27. In the Mask era Frehley was the Spaceman. On Stage he had very hot show effects such as the fire fountains shooting out of the guitar neck or the burning instrument. His guitar playing possessed a pleasant coolness, was inventive and important for Kiss' sound. At the end of the seventies, Ace Frehley left the US Hard Rockers, but was still listed as a member until 1982. He justified the step with his dissatisfaction about the increasingly Pop orientation of the band. However, his alcohol problems were another reason for the split. As a soloist and with Frehley's Comet he released some very listenable Hard Rock and Heavy Metal albums, to participate in the reunion of the classic mask lineup in 1996 - till 2002. Of the 1978 solo LPs by the four Kiss members, his contribution has the reputation of being the best.
Kiss veteran and fan favorite Ace Frehley turns 70 on April 27. In the Mask era Frehley was the Spaceman. On Stage he had very hot show effects such as the fire fountains shooting out of the guitar neck or the burning instrument. His guitar playing possessed a pleasant coolness, was inventive and important for Kiss' sound. At the end of the seventies, Ace Frehley left the US Hard Rockers, but was still listed as a member until 1982. He justified the step with his dissatisfaction about the increasingly Pop orientation of the band. However, his alcohol problems were another reason for the split. As a soloist and with Frehley's Comet he released some very listenable Hard Rock and Heavy Metal albums, to participate in the reunion of the classic mask lineup in 1996 - till 2002. Of the 1978 solo LPs by the four Kiss members, his contribution has the reputation of being the best.