Er gab Rock-Musik Pathos: Meat Loaf, dessen Musik eine Verbindung zwischen Broadway-Spektakel und Hard Rock darstellte, ist mit 74 Jahren verstorben. Wesentlichen Anteil an seinem Erfolg hatte der Komponist, Texter und Arrangeur Jim Steinman (2021 verstorben), der die Heavy-Rock-Operetten erfand. Mit dem Meat Loafs Solo-Debüt BAT OUT OF HELL (1977) veröffentlichten die beiden eines der erfolgreichsten Alben aller Zeiten (über 43 Millionen verkaufte Einheiten). Auch wenn Meat Loaf ab und zu neue musikalische Varianten auslotete, kreuzten sich die Wege der beiden Künstler immer wieder. Und sobald sie zusammenarbeiteten, entstand Bedeutendes. So 1993 BAT OUT OF HELL II: BACK INTO HELL - ein Album das weltweit in den Charts auf Platz eins stand. Die Todesursache von Meat Loaf wurde bisher nicht bekannt gegeben.
He gave pathos to Rock music: Meat Loaf, whose music was a link between Broadway spectacle and Hard Rock, has died at 74. The composer, lyricist and arranger Jim Steinman (died in 2021), who invented the Heavy Rock operettas, played a major role in his success. With Meat Loaf's solo debut BAT OUT OF HELL (1977), they released one of the most successful albums of all time (over 43 million units sold). Even though Meat Loaf explored new musical variations from time to time, the paths of the two artists crossed again and again. And as soon as they worked together, significant things came into being. In 1993, for example, BAT OUT OF HELL II: BACK INTO HELL - an album that reached number one in the charts worldwide. The cause of Meat Loaf's death has not yet been announced.
He gave pathos to Rock music: Meat Loaf, whose music was a link between Broadway spectacle and Hard Rock, has died at 74. The composer, lyricist and arranger Jim Steinman (died in 2021), who invented the Heavy Rock operettas, played a major role in his success. With Meat Loaf's solo debut BAT OUT OF HELL (1977), they released one of the most successful albums of all time (over 43 million units sold). Even though Meat Loaf explored new musical variations from time to time, the paths of the two artists crossed again and again. And as soon as they worked together, significant things came into being. In 1993, for example, BAT OUT OF HELL II: BACK INTO HELL - an album that reached number one in the charts worldwide. The cause of Meat Loaf's death has not yet been announced.