Mit den Beatles befreundet zu sein, war vor allem in den Sechzigern durchaus von Vorteil - wie es Cilla Black erleben durfte. Nicht nur, dass John Lennon das Mädchen aus Liverpool ins Business einführte, gemeinsam mit Paul McCartney schrieb er ihr auch ein paar Chart-Erfolge In die musikalische Vita. Cilla Black, die erst vor knapp sechs Jahren nach einem Sturz in ihrer spanischen Villa verstorben ist, war allerdings auch etwas ganz Besonderes. Sang sie zurückhaltend, klang sie zart und zerbrechlich, legte sie sich ins Zeug, konnte sie mit ihrem Organ Mauern zum Einsturz bringen. Bis in die frühen Siebziger mischte sie in den Top ten des Vereinigten Königreichs mit.
Being friends with the Beatles was an advantage, especially in the sixties - as Cilla Black experienced. Not only did John Lennon introduce the girl from Liverpool to the business, he also added a few chart successes to her musical resume together with Paul McCartney. Cilla Black, who died just six years ago after a fall in her Spanish villa, was also something very special. When she sang with restraint, she sounded delicate and fragile, if she gave her voice volume, she could bring down walls. She could placed songs in the top ten of the United Kingdom untill the early seventies.
Being friends with the Beatles was an advantage, especially in the sixties - as Cilla Black experienced. Not only did John Lennon introduce the girl from Liverpool to the business, he also added a few chart successes to her musical resume together with Paul McCartney. Cilla Black, who died just six years ago after a fall in her Spanish villa, was also something very special. When she sang with restraint, she sounded delicate and fragile, if she gave her voice volume, she could bring down walls. She could placed songs in the top ten of the United Kingdom untill the early seventies.