Steve Bronski alias Steven William Forrest ist mit 61 am 9. Dezember gestorben. 1983 hatte er mit Larry Steinbachek und Jimmy Somerville die Gruppe Bronski Beat gegründet. Das Trio thematisierte in seinen Texten die Situation der Homosexuellen in Großbritannien und landete einige Single-Hits (unter anderem “Smalltown Boy“, 1984, UK und D #3). Nach dem Weggang von Somerville 1985 hielt Bronski die Gruppe bis 1995 aufrecht, der Erfolg blieb jedoch aus. Réunion-Versuche scheiterten.
Steve Bronski aka Steven William Forrest died at 61 on December 9. In 1983, he had formed the group Bronski Beat with Larry Steinbachek and Jimmy Somerville. The trio addressed the situation of homosexuals in the UK in their lyrics and landed several single hits (including "Smalltown Boy," 1984, UK and D #3). After Somerville's departure in 1985, Bronski kept the group going until 1995, but success failed to materialize. Reunion attempts failed.
Steve Bronski aka Steven William Forrest died at 61 on December 9. In 1983, he had formed the group Bronski Beat with Larry Steinbachek and Jimmy Somerville. The trio addressed the situation of homosexuals in the UK in their lyrics and landed several single hits (including "Smalltown Boy," 1984, UK and D #3). After Somerville's departure in 1985, Bronski kept the group going until 1995, but success failed to materialize. Reunion attempts failed.