Den Gitarristen Johnny Whitehill kennt man seit den Siebzigern als eine feste Größe in der britischen Bluesszene. Mit den Blues Burglars, die er Anfang der Achtziger mit dem Harpspieler Paul Lamb gründete, erwarb er sich einen festen Platz in den Blues-Annalen der britischen Insel. Es gab kaum jemanden, der den Sound der Fünfziger derart reproduzierte wie Whitehill. Zu seinen Inspirationsquellen gehörten B.B. King, T-Bone Walker, Robert Johnson, Blind Boy Fuller, Lightnin' Hopkins und Peter Green. Er hat mit Unterbrechungen eigene Alben aufgenommen, arbeitete zwei Jahrzehnte lang hauptsächlich mit Paul Lamb & the King Snakes zusammen und tourte in den 2000ern als Johnny Whitehill's Real Deal durch seine Heimat. Nach bisherigen Informationen ist Whitehill am 1. Juli verstorben.
Guitarist Johnny Whitehill made a name for himself on the British Blues scene since the seventies. With the Blues Burglars, which he founded in the early eighties with harp player Paul Lamb, he earned a permanent place in the Blues annals of the British Isles. There was hardly anyone who reproduced the sound of the fifties like Whitehill. Among his sources of inspiration were B.B. King, T-Bone Walker, Robert Johnson, Blind Boy Fuller, Lightnin' Hopkins and Peter Green. Particularly famous was his album GUITAR SLINGER (1998), he worked primarily with Paul Lamb & the King Snakes for two decades, and toured his homeland as Johnny Whitehill's Real Deal in the 2000s. According to previous information, Whitehill passed away on July 1.
Guitarist Johnny Whitehill made a name for himself on the British Blues scene since the seventies. With the Blues Burglars, which he founded in the early eighties with harp player Paul Lamb, he earned a permanent place in the Blues annals of the British Isles. There was hardly anyone who reproduced the sound of the fifties like Whitehill. Among his sources of inspiration were B.B. King, T-Bone Walker, Robert Johnson, Blind Boy Fuller, Lightnin' Hopkins and Peter Green. Particularly famous was his album GUITAR SLINGER (1998), he worked primarily with Paul Lamb & the King Snakes for two decades, and toured his homeland as Johnny Whitehill's Real Deal in the 2000s. According to previous information, Whitehill passed away on July 1.