Geplant war es sicher nicht, trotzdem passt das ABBA-Comeback perfekt zum 75. Geburtstag von Benny Andersson. Der Keyboarder und Komponist hatte in Schweden mit den Hep Stars bereits in den Sechzigern einen Heldenstatus, zu internationaler Anerkennung brachte er es aber erst mit ABBA, die in den Siebzigern für nahezu perfekte Pop-Musik standen. Der enorm hohe künstlerische Gehalt der Songs aus der Benny Andersson/Björn Ulvaeus-Schmiede erfuhr allerdings erst nach der Trennung des Quartetts die entsprechende Anerkennung. Andersson blieb auch nach ABBA enorm kreativ, schrieb Songs für andere Künstler, komponierte Musicals, war mit dem Benny Andersson Orkester unterwegs. Mit der ABBA-Avatare-Show 2022 wollen die Schweden ein neues Kapitel der modernen Pop-Musik aufschlagen.
It certainly wasn't planned, but nevertheless the ABBA comeback fits in perfectly with Benny Andersson's 75th birthday. The keyboardist and composer already had hero status in Sweden in the sixties with the Hep Stars, but he only achieved international recognition with ABBA, who stood for almost perfect Pop music in the seventies. The enormously high artistic content of the songs from the Benny Andersson/Björn Ulvaeus duo, however, only received the appropriate recognition after the split of the quartet. Andersson remained enormously creative even after ABBA, wrote songs for other artists, composed musicals, was on the road with the Benny Andersson Orkester. With the ABBA Avatare Show 2022, the Swedes want to open a new chapter in modern Pop music.
It certainly wasn't planned, but nevertheless the ABBA comeback fits in perfectly with Benny Andersson's 75th birthday. The keyboardist and composer already had hero status in Sweden in the sixties with the Hep Stars, but he only achieved international recognition with ABBA, who stood for almost perfect Pop music in the seventies. The enormously high artistic content of the songs from the Benny Andersson/Björn Ulvaeus duo, however, only received the appropriate recognition after the split of the quartet. Andersson remained enormously creative even after ABBA, wrote songs for other artists, composed musicals, was on the road with the Benny Andersson Orkester. With the ABBA Avatare Show 2022, the Swedes want to open a new chapter in modern Pop music.