Ihr findet Jürgen Drews doof? Dann solltet Ihr mal die Band Apocalypse hören, die eine zeitlang als Die Anderen unterwegs war. Jedenfalls hat unser „König von Mallorca“ und ehemaliger Les-Humphries-Singers-Barde eine Psychedelic-Rock-Vergangenheit. Und was für eine: Das Album APOCALYPSE von 1969 ist die reine Opium-Höhle. Und Drews legt sich sowohl an der Gitarre als auch stimmlich gewaltig ins Zeug. Aber auch die anderen Bandmitglieder waren gesanglich gut drauf, was unter anderem auch für starke Harmonie-Passagen sorgte.
You think Jürgen Drews is stupid? Then you should listen to the band Apocalypse, which was called for a while as Die Anderen. Anyway, our "King of Mallorca" and former member of the Les Humphries Singers has a Psychedelic Rock past: The 1969 album APOCALYPSE is pure opium den. And Drews puts in a tremendous effort on guitar as well as vocally. But the other band members were also good singers, which made for strong harmony parts.
You think Jürgen Drews is stupid? Then you should listen to the band Apocalypse, which was called for a while as Die Anderen. Anyway, our "King of Mallorca" and former member of the Les Humphries Singers has a Psychedelic Rock past: The 1969 album APOCALYPSE is pure opium den. And Drews puts in a tremendous effort on guitar as well as vocally. But the other band members were also good singers, which made for strong harmony parts.